When comparing the character Dr. Moreau in H.G Wells’s, The Island of Doctor Moreau and Allan Moore’s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol II, the time period of the work of art and the portrayal of Dr.Moreau as a villain vastly changes. In the 1896 novel, during the height of British colonialist activities in Africa, this novel is published where the protagonist has similar motives to the British in Africa as he wants to successfully transform beast/animals into humans. The British mentioned the same motives with taking over Africa as they wanted just wanted to civilize these primitive people. While, in the 1999 comic, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol II, Dr. Moreau is sought by the British government to create a deadly biological weapon to kill all the Martians. This represents how Britain’s colonialism has transformed from the novel, from being the one to colonize now they afraid of a colonial threat. Similarly, Dr. Moreau goes from being an social outcast of a scientist transforming beast into humans, to now, a sort of British hero trying to contain those very beasts.

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